星期五, 4月 25, 2008


Xataface的參數定義在 Dataface/Application.php 的 $prefs array 包含
'show_jump_menu'=>1, // The drop-down menu that allows you to "jump" to any record in the found set.
'show_result_controller'=>1, // Next, previous, page number .. links...
'show_table_tabs'=>1, // Details, List, Find, etc...
'show_actions_menu'=>1, // New record, Show all, delete, etc...
'show_logo'=>1, // Show logo at top right of app
'show_tables_menu'=>1, // The tabs to select a table.
'show_search'=>1, // Show search field in upper right.
'show_record_actions'=>1, // Show actions related to particular record
'show_bread_crumbs' => 1, // Bread crumbs at top of page to show where you are
'show_record_tabs' => 1, // View, Edit, Translate, History, etc...
'show_record_tree' => 1, // Tree to navigate the relationships of this record.
'list_view_scroll_horizontal'=>1, // Whether to scroll list horizontal if it exceeds page width

show_search = 1
二、在delegate中使用 function getPreferences()
